Rethink Strategy
As the technology and business model innovation is accelerating market changes, the future seems more unclear and new opportunities clouded with uncertainty. As companies are facing unprecedented challenges, creating a solid target state and strategy for several years ahead is becoming increasingly difficult. Many leading companies have combined the strategic management and entrepreneurial approaches. D11 Helsinki calls this Rethink Strategy – an approach that allows a quicker reaction to inevitable changes in the business environment while ensuring that your entire organization is aligned towards the same overall direction.
Business Acceleration
When leading transformation or trying to achieve new growth, it is often easiest to start with improving current processes. However digital technologies are rapidly changing customer expectations and how emerging companies create value. At the same time competition has gone from local into global where achieving competitive advantage requires fundamentally rethinking how companies operate rather than focusing only on incremental improvement. D11 helps its clients to transform their unique assets and data into new AI-driven business models. We also help clients to build their capabilities and reengineer their processes, enabling significant improvements in business performance.

Transformation programs
Growth Network
We believe that the biggest success stories can’t be created alone. Instead they are built around partner networks and ecosystems. Effectively utilizing these growth networks will become a prerequisite for thriving in any business area. Creating growth networks requires a systematical and iterative approach to identify and analyze potential partners’ value and crafting a win-win partnership. Our clients benefit from our wide network of technology companies, startups, venture capital firms, academics and key influencers in major corporations when they want to accelerate their network building process.
Startup Collaboration
Startups can be great source of innovation for established enterprises. Nearly all of today’s successful companies foster their growth by actively collaborating with startups and even acquiring them. However with an endless variety of different programs and collaboration models, working with startups is full of pitfalls that can make your efforts fail to achieve its goals. D11 has seasoned experience working both with startups and larger corporations. This gives us an unique insight into how startups and larger companies operate and how to facilitate profitable collaboration between them.

Creative + Lab
Being relevant is becoming increasingly more challenging in the connected age. Exploding amount of customer behavior data and rapid advances in machine learning are widening the gap between the haves and have-nots. As old customer engagement models are losing their effectiveness, savvy companies are taking a new approach. D11 helps clients renew their brands and create connected experiences that exist at the center of customer’s lives. Together with our clients we grab the customer’s attention with the right idea, message and context.
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change. Innovation has to be an on-going process that follows lean methods, enables trial and error and quickly tests new ideas measuring learning and success. We believe that this is done by harnessing the power of technology and understanding changing consumer behavior. Combining our global network and latest insight, we help you shape the future in your favor.